Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's Try This......

Let me first start by saying I absolutely love my doctor.  He is wonderful.  My frustration is coming from my pain and the unanswered questions from that.  I went to the doctor this morning.  He gave me a copy of the pathology report from my surgery and showed me the pictures that they took during the surgery (that I already have copies of).  He asked me if I had any complications from recovering from surgery.  Not really, except my uvula was cut, which was painful for a few days and one of my incisions come open a bit.  It healed back okay, so no big deal.  He also thanked me for the letter I sent to his supervisor, stating how pleased I am with his care.  And coming from my old gynecologist I am extremely pleased.

When we started discussing my pain, he told me that he just really isn't sure what it is.  There are no clear signs pointing to what it may be.  (Not sure you want to hear a doctor say they're not sure what it is.)  I did mention that I have been noticing that my pain is worse when my bladder is full.  He said that I could have a small case of interstitial cystitis, but he did not think I had a raging case of it.  He told me he just really was not sure what it was and thought that maybe trying acupuncture may be a good route to go as well.  For the possible interstitial cystitis, he gave me the medicine, Elmiron.  He also suggested the dietary changes.  What you are supposed to do is eliminate those things from your diet and then add them back slowly as your pain is lower to see if it causes your pain to increase.  The click here to see the dietary changes.  If you look at it close enough, you'll start wondering well just what can you eat?  That's where I am now...  Just what am I going to eat?

He also thought that the pool therapy would be a good route to go.  He told me that he was not giving up on me, but just wasn't sure where to go from here.  We will try this medication and see if it works.  We also decided that upping the Cymbalta dosage to 60mg (which has been the goal since I started) over Spring Break just in case I have adverse side effects again.  He also gave me some more pain medications (and a new one).  I hate being on all these medications, but I do not know what other choice I have.  I go back to the doctor on May 10, so we will see what happens.

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